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(Finished in 3/2015, 1.5 hours)
People asked me why I do root canals in one visit instead of 2 visits like many dentists do. The reason is if the dentist were able to clean the inside of the tooth thoroughly and efficiently, research has shown one visit root canal therapy is the better treatment alternative.
Research Article Link
This gentleman has pain with one of the abutment tooth under the bridge. Root canal was done through the crown, and 3 canals were found and cleaned. We expect full recovery after the one-visit root canal therapy.
I have done literally thousands of root canals, making the treatment time shorter and shorter for the patient, while increasing the efficiency and thoroughness of treatment. It has becoming my favorite procedure in dentistry.

(Finished in 3/2015, 1.5 hours)
This Hong Kong patient had a throbbing toothache, but the dentist there could not do the root canal treatment due to difficulty. Instead, she was referred to see a root canal specialist in Hong Kong. Attached here is a referral letter to the specialist in Central.
Root canals done by specialist cost ~12000 HKD, and for this patient it will still be well worth it, as canals are severely constricted, not visible on x-ray. One mishap by the dentist can potentially block out the canals and make the tooth unrestorable.
So she took a ferry ride to see us. The canals were calcified but not too difficult to do. Using magnifying loupes and ultrasonics, we thoroughly cleaned and shaped canals, and filled with antibacterial paste. All for a fraction of the cost.

(Expected to Finish in March 2015)
This Hong Kong patient took a leap of faith to see us. She had some major dental work done but wasn't quite satisfied with the work. She wants me to "fix" her smile.
We immediately saw the problem with her smile (a reverse smile) and protruded upper teeth that cannot be corrected simply by doing crowns. It would need multidisciplinary approach to address her issues, and a more thoughtful treatment plan that is both cost-effective and satisfactory to her cosmetic need. She was warned that multiple visits are required (and many ferry tickets), she is fine with that.
Instead of replacing all her upper crowns, we managed just to replace her six front crowns, and adjust the shape of her upper posterior teeth. A simple orthodontic elastic was used to retract her anterior teeth before fabrication of crowns. We have her wear temporary crowns for a couple of weeks, for retention and to making sure she like the way it looks, so that we can make crowns according to the new look. (to be continued)

(Finished in 2/2015)
This patient needs to replace her central tooth due to aesthetic problem. The crown chosen for this case was a highly translucent e.max crown which is glazed and stained in the clinic, using a mixture of slightly opaque cement to mask a bit of darkness underneath. The challenge is that the crown kept changing color as Dr. Lee experimented with different kinds of cements. Even surface texture of the crown can have an effect on the shade.
With case like this when a high aesthetic demand is required, sometimes multiple crowns are made and tried-in to see which one looks better. For this case we made 2 crowns and picked the one that looked the best.

(Finished in 2/2015)
He had a tooth removed years ago which left him with gum deficiency in the front. For years, he wore denture, but it does not look good in the mirror.He consulted with a Hong Kong specialist, but decided to come to us. We did an implant, a gum graft from the palate to recreate his old gum, some braces, and finally the crown made by CEREC.
While he can certainly benefit from additional porcelain veneers, he is quite happy with the result.

(Finished in 1/2015)
This patient needs to have the central teeth done in time for the Chinese new year. Crowns were done 6 years ago and redone twice by different doctors, but she was disappointed each time. She specifies "she want something that looks natural"
Crowns were done in-house by Dr. Lee in 3 days with custom staining just in time for the holidays..the challenge for this case is one of the tooth is dark with metal post which can show through the crown. But with careful planning this darkness can be avoided.

(Finished in 12/2014)
Matching a discolored central tooth can be challenging for dentists. Patient’s old crown is bulky and fake-looking, with a black metal line near the gum. He wanted something that looks more natural and thin.We usually go with a more transparent porcelain crown for central tooth; however the challenge is that his central tooth is dark, which will show through the transparent crown as a gray tooth. Conventional wisdom is to thicken the crown blocking the darkness, but patient does not want thick crown.
The final result is a new, thin Lava™ porcelain crown with chairside custom staining to mask dark color.

(Finished in 2013)
This patient has some mild crowding. We were able to do metal braces in about 7 months without extractions. Metal braces are unesthetic, however it is easier for dentists to work on.
Patient's oral hygiene was poor, so we were in a hurry to speed up her progress to keep cavities from forming. Young patients are the best candidates for braces due to soft bone and high tolerance for unesthetic metal brackets.

(Finished in 2008)
This case was done in one year on a 12 yo patient (Emily) who has a crooked canine. Traditional metal braces was used to finish the case. No extraction was necessary. Her upper jaw was expanded using braces only to create space. Often the easiest way would be to remove the canine, but it is not the best way.
Braces done early can have a dramatic result and it is a big confidence building for a young girl just entering teenage years.