How to Save Money at the Dentist
By steve on Aug 24, 2013 in Uncategorized
Tooth Decay and Gum Disease is almost 100% preventable. Although there are many reasons for you to have tooth/gum problems, for example, your immune system and your genetics, Some simple daily routine can help you maintain a good set of teeth:
1. Brush your teeth buycbdproducts a day.
2. Use your floss several times a week.
3. Avoid eating a lot of candies.
4. Use sugarless gum that contains xylitol.
5. Do not drink Gatorade, Sodas, any sweet drinks.
6. Do not drink any sugared drink for more than 20 minutes, that includes coffee.
7. 6 months dental checkup and cleaning (even you don't have dental insurance)
8. If you have untreated acid reflux, see your doctor immediately. Not only is acid reflux linked to esophageal cancer, it causes tooth erosion.
Copyright Macau Dentist 2013
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