Invisalign & Lingual Braces

If you cannot accept braces at all in Macau, but would like straight teeth, look no further. These clear aligners are invisible, very esthetic, and easier to brush and floss your teeth.

Are you a Candidate?

  • Crooked teeth
  • Spaces between your teeth
  • Teens
  • Adults

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign uses series of transparent, customized, removable aligners. The aligner is a thin piece of  plastic that fits over the teeth.  They are very esthetic and hardly anyone can tell you if you are in treatment for straightening teeth.   What are Lingual Braces? Hidden braces, or lingual braces, are placed behind the teeth, and are more aesthetic than invisalign. Normally this type of braces is restricted to simple case (eg. mild anterior crowding). For the pictured case, it will take approximately 3-5 months to complete.  Customized impression is sent to America for accurate setting of braces before putting on teeth. lingualbraces         As Always, At Our Office, Consultation is Free!